A downloadable game for Windows

To Build A Fire is a game loosely based based on the 1908 version of the novel of the same name by Jack London.

The game puts the player in control of Edward, a hiker who lives in the Rocky Mountains during the early 1900s, a cynical and self confident man who, in his mind has conquered nature long ago.

During a severe snowstorm that has trapped Edward inside of his cabin he finally gets a message from his radio but it is not the one he wants, he insists to venture outside to escape his cabin and meet up with the people on the radio but this time he might've underestimated the power of nature.

This game was made for the 2023 Norwegian Game Awards as a school project from Torshus Folkehøgskule's Game Development Class.


To Build a fireNGA.zip 69 MB
To Build a Fire New.zip 87 MB

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